What Office Building Amenities Should Lessees Look For?
When seeking new office space most businesses concentrate on square footage, location and annual cost. While these are undoubtedly important, some consideration must be given to what amenities the office building has besides four walls and a door. While the nature of the business and type of employees may dictate the relative importance of certain extras, these prove popular with most companies regardless of industry or the age or education of the workforce.
Outdoor Space
Being stuck inside for eight or nine hours a day can sap morale and make employees feel sluggish. Studies have shown kids learn best when they are active and have a short recess. The same goes for adults. A courtyard, covered patio with picnic tables or even rooftop deck over the parking garage give workers a chance to see the sun and get some fresh air.
A Lounge
Much of today’s workforce grew up studying in a Starbucks. Having a coffee shop or cafe in the building with wireless internet and comfy seating is a real bonus. A change of scenery can work wonders for creativity.
Ideally all staff could take public transit to work, but that’s not usually possible. Safe, low-cost parking is a necessity for most businesses. Making it easy for employees and clients to access the building should be a priority.
Working late is common in today’s fast-paced global economy. Knowing there’s adequate security in the building comforts employees and keeps productivity high. Whether the building has cameras, card controlled access or live guards, some consideration of security is paramount.
If your business is in the market for new space, keep these factors on your radar. We know the details of most available space so contact us to get started in your search.